1960's yellow school buss with kids exiting

"Back to School" Shopping...

I’ve never liked the term, “back to school”, unless it meant shopping. However, the problem I had growing up and going back to school shopping in Sacramento, California, and probably for most of the country, in August is that it is very hot. It is difficult to shop for fall and winter clothing in August when it is 100 degrees outside.

At this very moment we are in Texas visiting Grandma, my mom. It is over 100 degrees outside every day up until 7 pm and all the stores are having back to school specials featuring fall and winter clothing. This seems especially difficult here and in parts of the country where the kids start school mid-August.

The problem I’ve always had with back to school shopping was two-fold:  (1) whatever I bought shopping was not weather appropriate for the first couple months of school, yet I always wanted to wear new clothes at the beginning of the school year; and (2) summer was only two and a half months long and I didn’t grow out of my clothes, but I always felt if I didn’t get my next year’s school clothes during back to school shopping then I would miss out entirely.

At Classic Girl Clothing we don’t want you to buy your entire school years’ wardrobe in August. Pace yourself, and go through all the closets and drawers to determine what your child needs to start school. Then buy the items that are needed and two to three weather-appropriate new dresses. Classic Girl believes this is a great time to buy the type of dresses that can be layered under or over for colder months (Walk in the Park).  This then allows you to also buy a new fall dress in October (Autumn School Days), a winter dress in November (Winter School Days) and a party dress in December (Royal Gatherings). Then all total the little girl in your life has five to six new dresses between now and January without buying everything in August. Sounds like a good plan, right?    

Founder, Classic Girl Clothing
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